Transforming Retail Performance with TalentGuard

A 98% adoption rate is driving stronger accountability across the culture

Transforming Retail Performance with TalentGuard

The Challenge

In today’s digital age, it is necessary for a company to transition to a performance management software that is user-friendly and intuitive. Previously, the international luxury fashion company, inherited a difficult-to-use software to carry out performance appraisals that they found to be outdated, too complex, and not easily adoptable. “The assessment questions didn’t really measure employee competency. They came across more like a personality test”, the company’s HR director recalled. At the time, their appraisal process was not focused on accountability.  To achieve their goal of accountability, the HR team needed to introduce an effective and easy-to use employee performance and development solution. The goals of the solution were to introduce performance accountability, and give them a clear understanding of what they were responsible for and foster regular feedback on their contributions. In addition, leadership wanted a software solution that their employees could easily adopt. 

The Solution

The fashion company decided to move their performance management process to TalentGuard. They selected TalentGuard because it provided a simple solution to accurately measure core competencies, continuously develop employees, and could launch in weeks. “One of the main reasons we selected TalentGuard was our ability to set realistic goals and accurately measure progress against these goals,” noted the HR director. TalentGuard’s software proved to be easier to navigate and more adoptable by employees than other software that were considered and used in the past. Additionally, “TalentGuard has a high-touch customer success team that was very flexible in working with us”. Understanding that every company’s specific needs and goals are different, TalentGuard provided a high-touch experience and user-friendly system that met their needs.

The company has conducted many cycles of their annual performance review using TalentGuard. The performance management software smooths out the appraisal process, enabling employees to capture snapshots of their work instantaneously and catalogue them accordingly. With the ability to check in often throughout the year, managers and employees can better align performance expectations and focus development on the right learning activities. In addition, the company can see which areas of the company need improvement.

“We generated a list of funtionality we required from a solution and TalentGuard met all of our needs,” said the HR Director. “It has been adopted very well into our organization. Once people start using the solution they appreciated how easy it was manage performance all year long. We did a good job planning implementation, and rolled it out over time to all 3,000 employees.”

The Outcome

Since implementing TalentGuard Performance, the retailer has enjoyed a number of benefits including:

  • The ability to easily track the progress of the review cycle and ensure a 98 percent completion rate;
  • Establishing a clear accountability between manager, employee and organizational goals;
  • Greater employee motivation and satisfaction; and
  • Improved ability to use data for decision making and merit increases

The 22-person executive team embraced the TalentGuard solution. In addition, the HR team received praise for their achievements involving the implementation of TalentGuard Performance Management software. “I would definitely recommend TalentGuard. It has been well received and more importantly it has improved the way we measure accountability in the organization.

This case study of the fashion retailer demonstrates how the new system ensures that employees understand their expectations and are accountable for their assigned goals. The retailers employees are now able to see a clear connection between the objectives that have been set for them and the overall objectives of the organization. They are also able to understand how their achievements will translate into potentially greater compensation in the new pay-for-performance culture. Learn more about transforming retail performance with TalentGuard by requesting a demo.

About The Retailer

The internationally fashion retailer is known for ready-to-wear styles, accessories, fragrances, and jewelry all reflecting a high refined style across generations. The fashion brand continues to be a leader in the industry, admired for its innovation, quality and commitment to luxury.

With TalentGuard we have transformed our organization into one where employees receive ongoing feedback, coaching and development.
Senior HR Manager