Four Pillars of our Business Model

A unified and holistic approach to human capital development.

TalentGuard Four Pillars
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Expert-Designed Software and Workflow

Our platform enables data-driven decisions through AI automation, intelligent insights and enriched profiles.


TalentGuard Platform Flow

By combining these factors, TalentGuard offers a detailed and granular understanding of a person’s experience, skills, and impact, surpassing what is typically available through traditional resumes or LinkedIn profiles.

AI Automation

Core components like Intelligent Role Studio, WorkforceGPT, and Talent Frameworks streamline job and skill management with AI-powered automation.

Enriched Profiles

Elevate the employee experience with tailored recommendations on skills, career paths, and learning plans, all based on enriched profiles.

Intelligent Insights

Optimize organizational performance with intelligent insights on future-ready leaders, trending performance, and credential compliance.

TalentGuard Data and Competency Model-Petal

One source of truth for job & skill data

Optimize and expedite the curation, mapping, and maintenance of skill and job data with unprecedented speed. Leveraging our advanced AI engine, we tailor our extensive and nuanced skill database to meet your organization’s specific requirements, eliminating the need to build from the ground up. Organizations have the flexibility to start with our ready-to-use Talent Frameworks, or they can opt for WorkforceGPT to create custom-tailored models.

TalentGuard Data and Competency Models
TalentGuard Ecosystem-Petal

Dynamic integration with your existing HR tech stack

Maximize the potential of a single source of truth for job ans skills by integrating TalentGuard with your current HR tools, enhancing their functionality. Enjoy seamless, automatic synchronizations to your database, maintaining consistent accuracy and real-time updates across all tech systems. This approach includes:

  • Seamless integration and connectors with top talent management vendors, fostering effective interoperability.
  • A collaborative environment of shared expertise and innovation, promoting best practices and ongoing enhancement.
TalentGuard Ecosystem
TalentGuard Services-Petal

Accelerated value realization for automation and HR leaders

We have a vibrant community with a deep commitment to workforce readiness and education. Engage with our team for expert guidance on best practices, to streamline your implementation process, and to guarantee the highest level of adoption of skill-based talent strategies within your organization.


TalentGuard services

On-demand Training
We offer hundreds of how-to training videos for HR leaders, managers and end users.

Robust Knowledge Base
Find articles, share knowledge and ask questions with the assistance of live and bot reponses.

Job Profile & Skill Consulting
We help clients imagine the future of work by providing consulting services for competency and job modeling.

Change Management
We take a test & learn approach to change that is human-centered, nimble and cost effective.

Adopting Best Practices
Learn from what we know has worked well in other organizations in your industry.

Roll-out Toolkits & Leader Guides
Lean on us for guidance and support as you roll the platform out to the rest of your org.

Domain Expertise for Deployment
Draw on our deep domain experiences to create the pathways for promotion through your org.

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